Sunday, July 10, 2011

AX 2011: Day 4

 I had to stop by a wall with some fun Naruto graffiti up at the LA Convention Center.

 Madoka is coming from Aniplex , oh man it's suppose to turn the magical girl series on it's head
 Plenty of gundam figures were out and about, so many different models to collect.

         I was happy to see Squid Girl manga present, I hope more people find out about her.
 X Seed was showing off a new ds titles Solatorobo about anthropomorphic dogs and below you"ll see a  truly ugly Sonic plush.

 Funimation had a nice big booth as usual.

 Crunchroll was on hand with a stage the whole time showing off fans at the festival.

 The So Analog show is off to comic-con. hope they"ll have some newer  10-dohs when up in San Diego.

 I like the big names up front, what I found strange was there wasn't a VIZ booth even though they were a big sponsor. It seemed strange, there are only so many anime distributors in the US, you'd think they'd have a booth at the largest Anime Expo in the US
  It was still so busy the last day, I think attendance in the exhibit Hall didn't drop, but if you headed to LA Live hardly anyone was out there.

The end of my coverage of AX, it's been fun,

See you next time Space Cowboy,