Saturday, July 9, 2011

AX 2011: After Miku

I thought it was kind of funny that one of the camera operators was too tiny to work one of the cameras in back of the Miku concert, she was a little sick too by the looks of the mask. Cute socks, too!

 This guy was tall enough to sit.
After Miku and collecting the free seat cushion with Miku and a Corolla embossed on it I headed to Club Nokia just a bit further down L.A. Live. The after party was jamming and I think I might have missed the Miku fashion show sponsored by Q Pop, I stayed for about an hour, but it went on until 2 AM.

 Everyone was having a blast just partying, even Nyan cat got remixed, the live DJ just went from song to song as more attendees and the party. Colors melted away your face as tunes crunched out whatever brains you had left. Your guts spilled out with happiness as people were picked off the ground and held in the air, by the now somewhat misshapen crowd from all that stuff I just wrote. It’s funny to watch nerds try and get laid.

The silliest thing to me about it was the crew in the back was watching movies with headphones, one was starring Charlie Sheen and the other was a comedy central documentary, maybe those two we’re sick of the club scene.