Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alice in Wonderland X

Alice In Wonderland keeps capturing out imagination with remakes and spin-off and fan ideas. Here's a list of a few projects about Alice that captured my attention. At this point I could make an obligatory Alice in Wonderland post on all the new stuff that comes up over the net.

American McGee's Alice In Wonderland Art Show at Gallery 1988

From the year 1988 Jan Svankmajer's Alice. A deeply disturbing look at Alice in Wonderland. Svankmajer's vision had a live action Alice with creepy stop-motion characters that we"ll leave you with nightmares.

While looking Jan's version of Alice up on Amazon I found this other version of Alice in Wonderland that's also dark, but this time has a gothic style and was produced by the BBC. Looks pretty creepy.

Alice in Wonderland upcoming anime