Saturday, April 23, 2011

Okami, In Dog We Trust

This week marks the 5th anniversary for Okami, head to Capcom Unity to share your memories. Stay here and check out Carrie Gonzalez's collection of Okami goods, some she even made herself.

You can pick up the succesor to Okami, Okamiden here
Carrie put down her feelings as a fan on why she loves the series. "I was first attracted to Okami by its unique graphic style and by the prospect of playing as a painting wolf god. It wasn't quite love at first sight--I have to say, it took me a while to get used to some of the concepts and monsters born of a foreign culture. But I beat it, which was unusual for me, and when I played through a second time, I was utterly enthralled by the whole thing. I was a mediocre and obsessive artist then, and I started obsessively making mediocre fan art. After a few years I was no longer satisfied with art that just sat on the wall (or in my closet), and I was confident others could appreciate it too. So I went for art with function: a costume, shoes, badges, paper folding fans. Then I could express my love to the public."

Many of the items in her collection are from knikki121 on deviantArt and Carrie wanted to make sure  that knikki gets credits for what she made. Below the fan by Carrie you can see the well made weapons that Amaterasu wielded and models done by knikki121.