Monday, April 11, 2011


The above piece I had commisioned at AX 2010 by Nathan Maurer better known as CaptainOsaka on devaint art. Sadly, won't be in the show.

What Time is it? Art Show Time

Welcome to Adventure Time Week on the site, I'll be putting bits of Adventure time info up all week in anticaption of what dwelss below.

This Saturday check out the Adventure Time Exhibit featuring work from the Adventure Time Crew at the
The above piece is by Natasha Allergi one of the artist and writers on the show. Excellent piece, and I'll get more into her work and others this week.

SpacerAdventure Time Exhibit

April 16, 2011 - May 6, 2011
Apr 16, 7:00PM - 11:00PM

210 East Main St, Alhambra CA 91801

It's art and drawings done by the crew, which is sweeter the Candy Kingdom. I'm guessing early sketches, doodles for fun and probably some cells. From what I've read so far it's not going to be on the main hall which is going to be the Edward Scissorhands Tribute show. The Adventure Time Show will be located up stairs. Just head to the back and head up stairs to start your adventure!

You can meet the Creator of Adventure Time Pendelton Ward.

Here's what he looks like, hopefully, they"ll have name tags, maybe I'll bring them some tags.

The following crew is going to be on hand, too

Natasha Allegri-Behind the Fiona and Cake episode in Season 3
Ako Castuero
Thomas Herpich
Jesse Moynihan
Adam Muto
Kent Osbourne
Andy Ristaino
Phil Rynda- the strangeface with glasses you see in episodes
Patrick Seery
David Smith
Rebecca Sugar
Bert Youn

Plus, a raffle to win stuff

  • Enter to win raffle prizes
  • Receive five raffle tickets for wearing
    Adventure Time-inspired attire
  • Complimentary refreshments
I can't wait for the show and to see fans coming together and enjoying the show together.

It's also been unconfirmed, but it seems the fourth season of Adventure Time is underway, just the writing. Season 3 will be hitting this summer. For a list of future episodes click here . No description, yet.

Just looking online and at the Adventure Time Tumbler they should have add a fan art section to the upcoming  show, there's new content every week.  Here's some stuff I enjoyed.

 Make your own Beemo guide

Avengers Time T-Shirt to be voted on at Threadless 

 I'd really like to sat a better image of the Adventure Time poster for the 1 million friends on facebook contest between it and Ben 10