Monday, January 10, 2011

F*ck! You Can See Rubber For Free

A movie about a tire with telekinetic powers that makes peoples heads explode. Wow, after it's free LA premiere at AFI Fest the CineFamily is giving it a free showing. Wow and the CineFamily just did a free showing of Rare Exports, they rock. I attended the premiere and was blown away by the absurdity. This is a instant cult classic. I just want others going to see it with no other explanation and no reason!

Here's the info 
January 21st at midnight free Rubber Screening at the Cinefamily
611 N Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, 90036sign up fast and get there early
just like the Rare Exports screening it's first come first served. If you show up late, too bad.

This event gets my highest recommendation.