Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unique LA, Spell Out Artisanal LA as three words "You'll Laugh"

 Unique LA was a blast and I felt like I was at the top. At the 13th floor of the California Market Center went down. Etsy became real with tiny shops selling t-shirts, clothes, cards, buttons, jewelry, food and a bunch of other stuff. The two day event had a bunch of tiny shops selling all manner of products. Mostly by small independent artists. Nothing was very pricey and was the perfect place to find presents right before Christmas.

 The Echo Park Time Travel Mart even had a table selling off some of it's stuff.

Yes, special prints of Batman and Wolverine having donuts were on sale.

                                                   Yes, it's Elm Street Glue instead of Elmer's Glue. They lied about running out of it when I wanted to get a cleaner looking one. Great product, just don't lie anymore guys.

One of the more strange products were the kauzbots which have the money they're bought with go to that cause. I think it's a bit creepy. They made a aid's bot.

 The following is only a small portion off all the shops that were at Unique LA. It's really a event you'll find something for everyone. They had such a different amount of products. I recommend any indie artist who are good to come by. I heard a lot of people selling out what they brought.

Artisanal LA was just half a block away. It was kind of hard to find and I think people had trouble finding it.  Unique LA could have had more signs too. I found it thanks to GPS in my phone.

Plenty of new foods to try. Plenty of new tastes. I found the event to have plenty of deserts
I however did not like the layout of the building. I kind of wish it was just part of Unique LA. It was like a random maze and caused some annoying crowding. There was plenty of new foods to try ranging from vegetable-meat- dessert-party food- and health drink.

 The best part other than free samples was being able to talk to people directly about their products. They were there to be questioned about everything about whatever hot sauce or sugar cube they brought.

It was another chance to get something rare and different for someone for the holidays.