Monday, October 18, 2010

IndieCade Socks

IndieCade was mostly about socks to me, damn I didn't play a damn thing really.

I virtually played no actul video games at IndieCade. I was amazed at the spectacle of the Outdoor games. One friend in attendance with me loved the new take on tage Human VS Zombies. You throw socks at people and they become zombies. She went the day befoe I did and got a goodie bag the included a free wii-mote.

What I played mostly was Socks Inc. A game where you physically make your own sock puppet then go in a party and go on quests. It was insanely fun. Having your frinds and yourself go back to arts and crafts after years of no touching googly eyes and felt makes you nostalgic. You also fell creative for completing simple tasks. The creator of the game even loaned people camera's to capture what you did on your quests.

I read about the games and I'm sorry I missed playing them. IndieCade seem like it should be attended more that one day to get everything you can get from it.

What I want to nitpick were the festivals location choices. I wish they just rented out one building for the games instead of putting them all over the place. It was hard to find them.

This building didn't even exist there.

The Gregg Fleishman structures that did exist at Indiecade were quite awful.  I saw one at the Dwell expo and the picture doesn't show how awful and uninviting the structures can be. At first glance they look nice, but upon closer inspections you'll notice that designs are ugly. The furniture which is also made of cheap wood inside, always feels like it's gonna break no matter how skinny you are. I just feel the design could be even more simplified. The one with stairs above did not exist there. Also they building look scattere and said on the pavement area they were left in.

Have signs next year IndieCade, have signs!