Tuesday, September 28, 2010


 IndieCade comes back to Culver City October 8th-10th. "What the Hell is IndieCade?", you may ask. Well, whats with the attitude, I don't like it. Anyway, IndieCade is a independent games festival with free games to try out through Culver City. It's also a conference series on the indie game market.

You'll be playing

Culverland-A portion of the sidewalk turns into a board game as Candyland meets Culver City in this public art installation.

16 Tons- Some sort of cool looking installation

A portion of the sidewalk turns into a board game as Candyland meets Culver City in this public art installation. Looks cool, no idea what it is.
not seen  Sock Puppet Theater Diplomacy, yeah I want to see what that is.

 Rumble box- A claustrophobic 3-D beat-em-up where you must defeat enough opponents to create a ramp of their bodies out of the fighting arena. Literally walk over your enemies corpses to victory!

Big Outdoor Games- using phone apps or not, but using many players hits you with some of these titles


Available to play on Saturday October 9 at 8:30 pm.
Sign up IS required! To sign up and find out where to meet for this game visit this site.For more information, visit as if it were the last time's Facebook page.You've seen the people freeze in train stations and the mass pillow fights. Well, this will be a more invisible experience...If you register to take part in this event you'll be invited to download an MP3 and turn up at a secret location to listen to the soundtrack at a specified time.When you put on the headphones you'll find yourself immersed in the cinema of everyday life. As the soundtrack swells people in the crowd around you will begin to re-enact the world you always see but often don't notice.

Garnet Hertz's video game concept car combines a car-shaped arcade game cabinet with a real world electric vehicle to produce a video game system that actually drives. OutRun offers a unique mixed reality simulation as one physically drives through an 8-bit video game. The windshield of the system features custom software that transforms the real world into an 8-bit video game, enabling the user to have limitless gameplay opportunities while driving. Hertz has designed OutRun to de-simulate the driving component of a video game: where game simulations strive to be increasingly realistic (usually focused on graphics), this system pursues "real" driving through the game. Additionally, playing off the game-like experience one can have driving with an automobile navigation system, OutRun explores the consequences of using only a computer model of the world as a navigation tool for driving.

OutRun is on loan to IndieCade from Otis Art Institute and is part of the exhibition MAKE:CRAFT, taking place October 2 - December 4, 2010 at the Institute's Ben Maltz Gallery.

Frankly, buying tickets seem useless as all the games are free only the conferences cost a ticket. They've titles the free stuff the Game Walk.  If your really into Indie games and a entrepreneur in the field the conferences are of a great use. You do get a poster and Playstation Home items, if your into PlayStation Home items when you buy attendance.


Did I mention Levar Burton is hosting the award show? Another reason to buy a pass.

BTW check out the art galleries while your in Culver City, it's got a huge amount of them. I also recommend Palatine Bakery, they have great cookies.

I'll have another post or too on more games at IndieCade.