Monday, August 23, 2010

It was a Cookie Showdown

Cookies, cookies, everywhere, but not a drop of milk.I attended the lazily put together Cookie Showdown , which was moved at the last minute at the last Downtown Art Walk. The event organizers didn't mention it would be held in boutique. A poorly lit boutique at that. However, there were many cookies to enjoy. I really enjoyed the Platine Bakery's cookies They were sharing a vanilla cream cookie that was sweet and filling. You see, a special pass would allow you to sample one cookie from each of the attending cookie makers.

10850 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-9933


The event would have been better outside. It was claustrophobic inside the boutique, which was still filled with clothing and hard to move around. I don't think I would attend another Hello Drama (events creator) event until they understand not to crowd people in a darkly lit room for cookies.

Also, Freshly Baked had to be the worst cookie there. Freshly Baked didn't even give full samples, they gave small pieces of cookie on toothpicks. Rip-off.