Friday, June 25, 2010

Giant Robot + Gaijin Games Game Night Party

Right before E3 Gaijin games and Giant Robot held a party for the masses who couldn't get into E3. It was fun little party where people could play Bit.Trip games on the sides of buildings.It had a fairly good turn out.

Alex Neuse CEO of Gaijin games maker of the Bit.Trip series was there.

I like what he had to say, "... not going to ramble about the indie scene it's more important to play games on the sides of buildings."

Whats also cool is Game Night will be a continual event at Giant Robot happening every two months. It brings gamers together in real life and thats nice.

BTW recently tried the new Terminator: Rise of the Machines arcade game. It's  worth playing. Here's some footage. I played this one at the Castle Park on Sepulveda.