Monday, June 14, 2010

Down Melrose

I was on Melrose the other day checking out some of my local favorite spots. Even though Golden Apple has a socially terrible staff and bad ownership they get some cool stuff in

They got some Zombie Blood in. I didn't try, not for 5 bucks . You can get the Vampire blood drink at Fry's if you want to try'em all.

This Venure Bros. art was hanging above the cashier. It looks great and there selling them $100 a print unframed.

Before I left I caught a glimsp of all the rings from Blackest Night. It's just funny to see them like that.

Next I headed over to Metropolis, is a junk store that gets props from movie sets and advertising promotions.

They had a old Centipede Machine for sale. It had terrible burn in, but was still playable.

This too, whatever it is.

Then I went to Japan LA and checked out some muderous cut bear plush.

While walking down the street I checked out this skater poster

In Munky King they had some nice looking pillows for sale. Too bad they all felt horrible. The material isn't soft at all.

Then I heade to Melrose Music and ended my trip to Melrose looking at comics.