Monday, February 15, 2010

Attract Mode Owner Adam Robezzoli

Attract Mode Owner Adam Robezzoli. Who is Adam Robezzoli?

Adam is the creator and owner of Attract Mode he is also a freelance web developer.Adam Robezzoli is a man, a man with a really cool business card and business card dispenser. I met him way back at the Chiptune concert he helped bring to Little Tokyo a few months ago. He was kind enough to let me interview him a week ago. Getting back to what the guy does, his online store carries a multitude of clever video game items that a sophisticated gamer might need. From the space invader ice cube tray to the Chiptune music the store screams of cool.
I recently met Adam at the Zombies in Love art show at Nucleus posted here.
I got the lowdown on the guy and his store.

-Turns out Adam just brought the store online last September, but was planning it since 2005. He told me he was glad he took the time to create the store since his tastes have changed so much since then.

- The man chooses what goes in the store by simply what he likes. He’ll contact an artist or company for whatever he deems awesome for his store. What’s funny is he’s made friends with different people since coming into contact with them about their products.
- His favorite item in the store is the zines

- Attract Mode’s shipping is awesome as it comes in a box with a Game Buddy (reminiscent of a gameboy) design on it done by Space Sic /( you’ve probably seen his work online)

-Loves chiptune music, but is too busy to become professional at it like his friend Star Pause

-Is the Co-Director of L.A. Gamespace which just sounds cool. It’s a organization that is non-profit that wants to teach young people (high school students mostly) how to create video games and teach game culture. I just wished it existed when I was in high school.

-Did the web pages for Indie Cade (Indie Cadeis a annual event showing of Indie games in the heart of Culver City)

-Future products you have forward to look forward too from the store are:

1.Some new zinez should becoming out soon by the time your reading this

2.A indie comic by Tyler Hutchinson

4.A Cave Story Shirt for whenever that damn game comes out on the Wii

Adam will be guest blogging for Tiny Cartridge here’s he’s latest post about his friend and great artist Corey Lewis

Attract Mode