Monday, September 30, 2013

Stop and Frisk: Join the TTDILA Crew

Sign up for a Rockstar Games Social Club account and then join the TTDILA Crew. Join us so we can take Los Santos for all it's worth. The only people who know how to take down Los Santos are those living and finding things to do in LA.

Join the crew so we can become enemies with the Reddit Crew, I'm not sure if we can have a gang war with them over GTA Online, but it sounds fun.

Check out all you can do online here , looks like co-op heists aren't up yet.

The IT Crowd Ends

Good-bye Jen, Moss, and Roy,

The IT Crowd has ended. The final episode was show in England over the weekend. New memes should be online already making fun of little people racism. It's one to remember as the Internet comes after Jen and Roy.

IT Crowd: Complete Series will be coming out October 15 in the US, the listing does not reveal if it contains the final episode "The Internet Is Coming". Right now, there's no way to get the epsiode through pay channels online or through any service.

I'll miss possibly the silliest memorable sitcom making fun of nerd culture and everything else in-between coming out of the 2000's.

The Purge: Fear the Night I Think We Have Some Miscommunication

The Purge: Fear the Night
Sept. 27- Nov 2 Variety Arts Theater, located at 940 S. Figueroa St
Held Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with expanded showtimes during Halloween week.
Eight arrival times per evening: 7:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 7:45 p.m., 8 p.m., 10 p.m., 10:15 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 10:45 p.m. Audience members must attend their ticketed time.
Tickets: $65

(Do not use the lot right next door, Joe's 934. The parking attendant never showed up when I arrived. Just go past the next light on Figueroa and pay two bucks cheaper at the inside lot.)

(Update: I've read from Purge PR that the event will change from what I experienced in its first weekend open. It's taking from what fans commented on after they attended the event. I'm glad the Purge has listened to its fans and is making changes.)

(Update 2: The Creepy LA blog found out all the bad news from the early reviews too. It got word from the events spokesman that a major change will go down. Free-roaming is gone and now you will be directed where to go. Those who attended and voiced their concerns on Yelp were supposedly given full refunds and asked to try out the event again for free. This greatly changes what will happen on new experiences. I'll have another update or new article on the event when the new reviews come in or if I have a chance to try it out again.)

(Still, don't use that crappy parking lot nearby, Joe's 934 go past the light on Figueroa and pay a cheaper amount)

America is our country.

It's not a haunted house.

The Purge: Fear the Night is an interactive play. The interactive play is based on the horror/thriller film The Purge. In the film, sometime in America's future or an alternative America, 12 hours of legal free crime is allowed once a year including murder or whatever floats your boat named The Purge. Roaming gangs in masks go about hurting people for kicks. The Purge was created by  a new American government called The Founding Fathers. This interactive play has no ties to the films main cast or story, but is set in that world.

Many of the attendees did not understand this, nor were informed of it. In my journey through I explained the concept to a friendly couple who thought it was Blackout. Blackout is a separate haunt event and experience that will take place at the same location later in October.

The Purge story and rules are very crucial to understand what is unfolding around you and they are never explained. I know the story from seeing the film, but going into the event there is no reminder of this and I had to explain it to others, not just the Blackout couple.

"But you don't need to see the movie, which works under the premise that crime is legal once a year for 12 hours, to understand the haunted house."

LA Weekly's preview article couldn't be more wrong, it's not even technically a haunted house.

As a fellow Purger pointed out, you come up with whatever name for someone who attends the event, it felt almost like BioShock. In the concept, not in the underwater scares.

Wouldn't a Bioshock maze be great in Queen Mary's Dark Harbor, I've thought of this before.

BioShock is a videogame series taking place is a dsytopian underwater city with a 1950's aesthetic. Anyway, The Purge is more of a what-if time-line scenario showing a frightful future for America without monsters, just sick people.

Good point here. Halloween clothes are a bad idea, Fourth of July stuff makes more sense. It's very patriotic themed in their.

See, explaining this has already been way too complicated. The backstory should be explain  to you at the start of the event in some sort of thoughtful manner and it has plenty of chances too get out there and doesn't.

I haven't even gotten to my experience yet. The start of The Purge: Fear the Night is fine, I don't want to ruin it for you, but you'll be tossed into the world fast, so fast you won't learning anything, but it does immerse you into The Purge going on.

I started out in a sort of fun, playful processing center making fun of airline security and for some that was the best part. I talked to a few groups afterward and had some consensus with them of what worked and didn't, more on that later. One by one you go through security check process, no rush.

After some very fun initial chaos that has you running for your life you're transported to a bar area and the night begins. Now I'm going to have to explain this second act concept further. I will have a breakdown at the end.

In the bar area

*It's a real bar, yes you can drink, only in the bar area. It cost real money, bring cash. You can't take any drink out of the area, even water.

In the bar area the rest of the story unfolds by you following different role players. You can follow them on their different adventures during what happens during The Purge. The stories all intertwine and take place over three floors. Each character handles the night differently and has settles to score. The do settle them by murdering each other in front of you.

I saw a delightful murder in the Liberty Park area.

The floors aren't just part of a Founding Father's Party at some swanky hotel, but different places to get a full view on Purge night. They include a torture area, Liberty Park, hospital and other locales.

Liberty Park might be the most creative as your presented with an outside park and you may don a mask yourself to feel like one of the roving gang members out for Purge blood. It makes you feel less active and turns it more into a sightseeing or walking play? I've never experienced anything like it. The only thing the comes close is weird art shows.

*You don't get to keep the masks.
Murder sequences are fun little vignettes reminding you anyone can go on purge night. You can only watch what unfolds there's no other interaction from you. My delightful murder involved a dragged out squabble in the park area leaving one of the role players dead.

Some moments were up for standing ovation or at least some laughs. Mr. President! The ending brought together everyone as a group, which in itself was kind of inspiring seeing everyone in one place after seeing murders all night for one final act.

Problems are stacked up though. You have to choose which role player to stick with as they might be boring or not do anything for some time. That means while I was following one role player, somewhere another part of the story was unfolding. The audience is a ghost who can't change the fate of the play nor has an active role pass the start. Multiple attendees can cause crowding when murders or major moments occur.

The actors, props and sets are all well crafted. However, the timing, amount of space and crowds and overall concept are too much to deal with.

A missed opportunity was with a text message service you can activate during your purge. It's never told to you to activate it, I'll give you a hint, it's under your nose. This service is used once. Why even include it? It could have given more hints or had those following it discover something that other group members don't. In the end it wasn't that important.

I miss the preppy college kid, slicked-back hair character from The Purge Scare Zone at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights. There's a lack of a similar character from the film. He was such a great character you loved to hate.

Suggested by groups leaving the event, why not an Insidious Haunted House instead?

Some bad marks for the murders, the team behind this can make these deaths a lot more horrible. There's a scene in a hospital where a few blood packs could have made someone's death more fun to watch. If I'm going to see brutal violence, I want mine over-the-top.

Here's the breakdown
-The Purge is a 12-hour all crime is legal event in a future or alternative USA
-After a security check and some problems you enter a Purge party
-You are in a Founding Father's party celebration for the Purge
-At the bar you meet role players and follow them
-You can follow whoever you want, whenever you want, but will be missing other role players arcs
-You can not interact with the role players except for talking to them

The Purge: Fear the Night technically isn't a Halloween haunt. Blumhouse and Vortexx Productions shot for the fifty stars on the ol' red, white and blue and missed them with too much riding on believing everyone saw the film and too much happening at once.

The general consensus outside afterwards was an expectation of a haunted house, pass the very start it was not. Most reviews on Yelp say the same thing. Good start, what did I do for two hours after?

Halloween 2013: Horror Movies and Festivals

The most comprehensive guide of all horror film festivals, special screenings, thons and special events for Halloween taking place in LA.

This list will be updated with the most updated info on horror screened here in LA. You can always find this guide on the right side of the site leading up to Halloween.

Oct 3rd-6th
Raleigh Studios 5300 Melrose Ave Hollywood, CA 

Festival Opening Party
Club B52
1652 North Cherokee Ave, Hollywood, CA
Thursday Oct. 3, 2013 Time: 8PM-1
Fee: $10 (includes food, dancing, red carpet, and a free ticket to a screening of your choice at the festival)
Still one of best horror fests to check out to see some weird new stuff.

Oct 8-17
Laemmle NoHo 7

Multiple feature films over slightly two weeks. This fest has had some premieres of some of the most strange and wild horror films in the past.

My top choice so far

"The Hunted (US) – Directed by Josh Stewart. Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, Jake (Stewart) and Stevie (Blevins) head to the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia. Equipped with only their bow and camera, they have just three days to kill a monster buck big enough to grab the attention of the Outdoor Channel...and they've found him. But the sun has set, and they realize they’re not alone."

Opening Night Party
Oct 8 8pm
 Laemmle's NoHo 7

The Party following the screening of Beneath will be disclosed at the Will Call table in front of the theater.

The United States of Horror  
Oct 1-31 The Cinefamily
The Cinefamily is going through horror movies based on the states they take place in, damn it. Clever idea Cinefamily. Special guests, rare showings, tons of laughs. Have a favorite state? Check if it made it in, remember we don't have 50 days of October.

The Price Is Right
Oct 5- 27
The Cinefamily

Vincent Price matinees for Halloween. Come on down!

Dario Argento's Dracula 3D
Oct 4-10

 Rutger Hauer hunting vampires?

"Horror master Dario Argento returns with a bloody, luridly creepy 3D version of the classic vampire tale, drenched in gore and sex. An unsuspecting Englishman arrives in Transylvania, lured by a job with a local nobleman. But the undead Count Dracula's real target is the man's innocent young wife. Featuring the iconic Rutger Hauer as vampire hunter Van Helsing and the inimitable Asia Argento (the director's own daughter) as a local all-too-eager to fall under the Count's sway."

4th Annual Haunted Film @ Haunted Places
Plan 9 From Outer Space
October 5th
San Fernando Pioneer Memorial Cemetery
14451 Bledsoe St, Sylmar

Bad movie at haunted cemetery.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space 25th Anniversary Screening
Thursday, October 10 9:30pm
AMC Burbank Town Center 6

The Chiodo Brothers classic is everything wrong and right with horror movies from the 80's.


The RETURN of STRINGS That Go Bump in the Night!

Saturday, October 12, 2013 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Bob Baker Marionette Theater
 1345 West 1st Street 
GHOULA presents...
The RETURN of STRINGS That Go Bump in the Night!
"An ALL NEW evening of movies, marionettes, and the mysterious.
This may be your last chance to see more macabre marionette movies on a big screen in an actual haunted marionette theater (before it possibly closes its doors forever)...  
Because of a copyright/legal issue, GHOULA can not advertise the main feature film. Trust us, it's a good one that rarely gets screened. Hint: It is a twisted movie from the 1970's that features the puppetry and designs of Bob Baker (pictured above). Like our previous "STRINGS That Go Bump in the Night," there will be a LIVE horror-themed marionette performance by master puppeteer Eli Presser, a spooky performance from the Bob Baker Marionettes, and...a few surprises and special guests..."

Date: Saturday - October 12, 2013 - 09:00 PM
Location: Nerdist Showroom (8) - Los Angeles - General Admin
Doors Open 08:45 PM 

"Your hosts for the evening, John Mathot (Disney's Phineas & Ferb) and Aaron H. Baker (Booze Cruise!, Nerdist), and guest comedians will present 1995's "VOODOO", starring Corey Feldman & Jack Nance (Twin Peaks, Eraserhead). Corey plays Andy, who wants to be closer to his girlfriend when she enrolls in college, so he joins a very strange fraternity on campus. A lot of dead bodies later, it seems his frat brothers are up to some occult shenanigans, and may not be -- well, alive.

There'll be comedy from JAY LARSON (Conan, Comedy Central) and also FREE POPCORN! Don't force us to make a voodoo doll of you -- come on out to the show! Ages 16+"

Electric Dusk Drive-In Halloween Showings

Young Frankenstein @ Your Downtown Drive-In
Saturday, October 12, 2013, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Halloween Double Feature Beetlejuice, followed by Poltergeist
Saturday, October 19, 2013, 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM 
Electric Dusk Drive-In, 1000 San Julian St. (enter on 11th St.), Los Angeles, CA 90015

Street Food Cinema Horror Screenings
Psycho, Elm Street, Scream
Oct 12, 19, 31 
Multiple Locations

Outdoor horror screenings!

ArcLight Presents... Scary Stories 
Oct 13 - 30
Multiple Arclights

Major horror films to sit back and enjoy on the big screen again.

Oct 12, 19, 26
Doors: 4:30pm
Music: 6pm
Movie: 7:30pm
Multiple Outdoor Locations 

"The Saturday night freak fest begins Oct. 12 with the ultimate horror flick, Poltergeist at Los Angeles Trade Tech College, where viewers can revel in the mysterious LA skyline by sitting outside picnic style or old-school drive-in style. On Oct.19, the series will travel to Pasadena for the paranormal comedy, Ghostbusters, a fan favorite with SoCal Ghostbusters and Ectomobiles in attendance,under the picturesque Pasadena City Hall building. Shocktober will end with a jolt on Oct. 26 with the chilling movie, The Shining, at LA State Historic Park, which will leave viewers terrified through Halloween. Moviegoers are encouraged to dress in their scary best on this final night as there will be a costume contest for the biggest horror fans judged by Creepy LA."

Lethal Ladies of Horror
Oct 17 5:45pm   
Regency Village Theatre
961 Broxton Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024

October 17th Regency Theatres, in collaboration with SAG-AFTRA National Women's Committee, presents a one-night-only event you wont want to miss at the Historic Village Theatre in Westwood Village next to UCLA. Night of the Comet (in 35mm) with a Q&A featuring Catherine Mary Stewart and Kelli Maroney, Christine (30th Anniverary Reunion Screening!) with Christine (1958 Plymoth Fury) on site and Q&A with the cast of the film! The evening concludes with the midnight opening of Carrie (2013) with a special introduction by actress Portia Doubleday. Rare trailers, concession specials, the Tempest arcade game and lots of special prizes and giveaways! These damsels will leave you in distress!

Birth of the Living Dead
Oct 18-24
Arena Cinema Hollywood, 1625 N Las Palmas Ave

A doc on when George Romero made good zombie movies instead of coming back from the dead to make garbage.

"Birth of the Living Dead, shows how a young college drop-out named George A.Romero gathered an unlikely team of Pittsburghers policemen, iron workers, teachers, ad-men, housewives and a roller-rink owner to shoot, with a revolutionary guerrilla, run-and-gun style, his seminal film. During that process Romero and his team created an entirely new and horribly chilling monster one that was undead and feasted upon human flesh. The zombie became its own genre worth billions of dollars that continues to this day."

Toad Road
Oct 18-24
Arena Cinema Hollywood, 1625 N Las Palmas Ave

The premiere opening with Wood and the director is already sold-out.

"A different kind of American independent horror film, Toad Road presented here by Elijah Wood and his genre-themed production company SpectreVision is a hallucinatory and hypnotic odyssey through mutating realities, drug use, urban legends, and nightmares."

The Nightmare Before Christmas Second Screen Live
@ participating Arclights
starts Oct 18
Bring your iPad to interact with Jack Skellington

The Nightmare Before Christmas 4D
Oct 15 - Nov 3
El Capitan
"20th Anniversary Scare-ebration! PLUS, Newly enhanced Interactive 4D Sensory Effects! Lights, Scent, Wind, Snow, Fog & More!
In the lower lounge, see a special 20th Anniversary Display on the Making of the Movie" 

Landmark Theatres
Fri, Oct 18: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the 1992 original! Way lethal!
Fri, Oct 25: A Nightmare on Elm Street, the 1984 original! Sleep kills!
Thu, Oct 31: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, with Sins O' the Flesh Live! Added Halloween Midnight Show!

New Beverly Cinema's 6th Annual All-Night Horror Show
Saturday, October 19
New Beverly Cinema (View)
7165 W. Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

This year's event will feature the following six (6)
feature films (not necessarily in this order) in addition to a Three Stooges short, a cartoon, and vintage horror trailers, all presented in 35mm:

VAMP (1986)
A surprise feature

Oct 21-30
Horror Movie Features at the New Bev:

House and Eraserhead Double Feature
Oct 21-24

Mon/Tue/Thu Starting at 7:30 pm
New Bev

An Edgar Allan Poe/Bela Lugosi double feature
October 29, 30

Oct 18
Major Theaters

The newest version of a telekinetic school girl having a very bad prom.

Oct 19-31
Cemetery and Cinefamily

This comes also as a vehicle for Elijah Wood to show off his new film Grand Piano. Please, don't have a problem with that. In Grand Piano, Wood plays a pianist back out of retirement who must play a long piece of music completely without a mistake or his wife will be killed. The film happens in real time. If you saw Maniac, which would be nice to be included in SpectreFest. you'd want Elijah always playing an antagonist more often. Wood will be there in person for a Q and A after the screening.

SpectreFest is more or less Cinefamily programming for Halloween now called SpectreFest. I mean most of the listed events were already scheduled and now it's called SpectreFest. Check out the full schedule for the event above.

Phantom of the Opera
Old Town Music Hall
OCTOBER 25 - 26 - 27
Friday 8:15PM
Saturday 2:30PM and 8:15PM
Sunday 2:30PM

The Day The Earth Stood Still
Old Town Music Hall
Sunday 7:30PM

An Evening with the Makers of An American Werewolf in London
October 26 @ 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
In person: John Landis, Rick Baker, George Folsey, Deborah Nadoolman Landis.

Preceded by:
“Michael Jackson’s Thriller”
Directed by John Landis

Saturday, October 26th 
5:30 pm / Show: 7:00 pm
Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Stars Robin Tunney & Rachel True, plus director Andrew Fleming, in person.

 8th Annual Dusk-To-Dawn Horrothon

Aero Theatre
1328 Montana Avenue,
Santa Monica, CA 90403 Map
Sat, Oct 26, 2013

"Spend all night at the Aero Theatre’s eighth annual Horrorthon! Complete with between-film free food, giveaways, trailers, crazy shorts and surprises! Coffee courtesy of Pete’s Coffee, Monster Energy Drink courtesy of Hansen's Beverage and prizes and giveaways courtesy of 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and more."

RiffTrax Live Night of the Living Dead
Thursday, October 24
Multiple theaters in LA

They'll joke about the undead and you'll laugh till you die! Watch the original classic as comedians make fun of it.

Downtown Independent Horror

Oct 25- Oct 31
In this reverse ghost story, teenage Lisa Johnson (Breslin) and her family died in 1986 under sinister circumstances but remain trapped in their house, unable to move on. Over a period of six “days”, Lisa must reach out from beyond the grave to help her present-day, living counterpart, Olivia, avoid the same fate Lisa and her family suffered.

Addams Family and Beetlejuice Double Feature Drink-Along!
Oct 25
"Dressing up is highly encouraged. If we have enough Wednesdays and Lydias we will stage a "West Side Story" style dance-off.
-Doors at 8PM
-Addams Family at 9PM
-Beetlejuice at 11PM
-Fun for all!"

Shallow Grave
October 27th, 8:30PM
October 29th, 7PM

The Haunting

Co-Star Russ Tamblyn In Person
Tue, Oct 29 at 7:00pm
Regent Theatre

"It was an evil house from the beginning, a house that was born bad." The place is the 90-year old mansion called Hill House. No one lives there. Or so it seems. But please, do come in. Because even if you don't believe in ghosts, there's no denying the terror of The Haunting. Director Robert Wise returned to psychological horror for this much admired, first screen adaptation of Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House." Four people come to the house to study its supernatural phenomena. Or has the house drawn at least one of them to it? The answer will unnerve you in this "elegantly sinister scare movie" (Pauline Kael, 5001 Nights at the Movies). Starring Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson and Russ Tamblyn.  

Hellbenders 3D
October 30, 2013, 7:00 P.M.
The Ray Stark Family Theatre, SCA 108, George Lucas Building, USC

Followed by a Q&A with J.T. Petty, Clifton Collins, Jr., and Clancy Brown.

"There are demons so terrible that no mortal man of God could successfully drive them back to Hell. The only option is for the exorcist himself to invite possession and then commit suicide, dragging along the demon to damnation - so the Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Saints - or Hellbenders - was formed. A group of elite, highly-trained exorcists, they live in a constant state of debauchery so they will be ready to go to Hell at any moment. When an infernal Norse demon called BLACK SURTR escapes into New York City intent on cracking open the gates of Hell, the Hellbenders must use every ounce of their debauchery to battle the demon and save the planet from eternal damnation!
The Brooklyn Parish of Hellbenders has six members led by cantankerous Lutheran Angus (Clancy Brown), with clever but undisciplined Larry (Clifton Collins Jr.), cynical Unitarian Elizabeth (Robyn Rikoon), New Age Southern Baptist marshmallow Macon (Macon Blair), officious and sincere Catholic Stephen (Andre Royo) and joyless Polish Catholic pessimist Eric (Dan Fogler)."

Razorblades in Your Reese's 4 
Thursday, October 31
Downtown Independent
251 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Doors: 7PM
Screening: 8PM-9:30PM
Costume Contest / Human Sacrifice / Seance: 9:30PM

 "You're invited to the 4th Annual Razorblades in Your Reese's Halloween Event at the Downtown Independent, hosted by Landon Zakheim (Sundance Film Festival) and Todd Luoto (newly appointed Chancellor of Transylvania)... We're programming a genre-themed short film program (90mins) followed by a night of drinking, dancing and merriment.

Event is free, costume content (with prizes) and dancing to follow...

Bring friends, be bold, eat candy and drink booze. See you there.

(Note: costumes encouraged, not mandatory...but c'mon, it's Halloween!)."

October 10-27
Egyptian and Aero Theatres
Hollywood & Santa Monica 
Major update for their schedule with some really gross out horror from Germany.

"The best in horror, sci-fi, fantasy and badass cinema comes to Los Angeles in the inaugural Beyond Fest. A partnership of the American Cinematheque and creative collective Amity, Beyond Fest offers an eclectic mix of premieres, rare repertory screenings and special events programmed by genre fans for genre fans. With films drawn from all over the world, Beyond Fest brings many firsts to Southern California."

Closing Night Gala! Clive Barker & Producer Mark Miller In Person!
Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028 Map
Sat, Oct 26, 2013
"Co-presented by Amity and the American Cinematheque
Tickets: $20 General Admission, $17 American Cinematheque Members.
Tickets for this event are only available online from Brown Paper Tickets.
Come in costume and join us for a Monster Costume Contest!
Discussion following the film with Clive Barker and CABAL CUT producer Mark Miller, moderated by Geoff Boucher.
Join us afterwards in the courtyard for a Monster’s Ball with music from Death Waltz Records"

John Carpenter’s Halloween 35th Anniversary Screenings
Multiple dates and locations in October

"Celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the 1978 classic, “John Carpenter’s Halloween,” with a series of HALLOWEEN films on the big screen. The celebration begins in October with the nationwide release of “John Carpenter’s Halloween” and continues through the month with “Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers” and “Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers” in select theaters. Each of these films will be presented in a striking, new HD transfer and 5.1 audio."

The Tingler

Thu, October 31, 2013 7:30 PM 
The Cinefamily 

-The Tingler, Cinefamily's tradition of not working shocking seats returns this October. A movie so shocking the seats shock you. The Tingler, starring Vincent Price had special seats for it's debut that would shock you in the same scenes characters get shocked in the film. Cinefamily claims they'll have it "up and running" for Halloween.

Adventure Time Encyclopaedia Giveaway Winners!

Wesley P.
Huntington Beach

Austin B.
Mechanic Falls

Zelda M.
San Antonio

You each won a copy of the Adventure Time Encyclopaedia! It will be coming to you courtesy of the fine folks over at Abrams who published the book.

Adventure Time Time: Damn, should have got that Enchiridion

Adventure Time: Enchiridion Vol. 2 - Stephanie Gonzaga

New York Comic-Con is getting special edition Adventure Time comic collections. In a direct follow-up from the San Diego Comic-Con Enchiridion, we have the Jake Volume 2 Enchiridion.

Adventure Time: Sugary Shorts – Dustin Nquyen

-Here's an interview with Adventure Time's Andy Ristaino on a Kickstarter comic he was doing.

- Animation Magazine's Rising Stars of Animation include Rebecca Sugar and
Natasha Allegri, Adventure Time crew.

IndieCade 2013: Button Mash, Tournaments and Trade Sequence

Some really fun activities to get lost in at IndieCade this weekend.
Button Mash
Friday October 4th through Sunday October 6th
The IndieCade Button Mash is this year's GameWalk Festival game. Collect all 8 unique pin-back buttons! Earn the 4 Common Buttons by collecting mementos from developers for playing their GameWalk games. Earn the 4 Rare Buttons by completing special quests around the festival. Collect 5 or more buttons to claim a prize!


Saturday October 5th, Sunday October 6th

If you’re a fan of friendly competition and social play, be sure to check out this year’s IndieCade Tournaments. Find the traveling Tourney Master at one of the many competitive games featured at the festival this year, and wager your Tourney Tickets against friends or other eager opponents. If you earn five tickets, you’ll have a shot at the rare and prized Tournaments Button!
I'm seeing some TowerFall tournaments in there, check the full schedule

Trade Sequence

 Saturday, October 5th

Some green-headband-wearing volunteers will be looking for an item on Saturday afternoon. If you bring them what they need, they'll give you something in return. Help enough people and maybe something good will happen!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Halloween Update: Outside Horror

Oct 12, 19, 26
Doors: 4:30pm
Music: 6pm
Movie: 7:30pm
Multiple Outdoor Locations 

"The Saturday night freak fest begins Oct. 12 with the ultimate horror flick, Poltergeist at Los Angeles Trade Tech College, where viewers can revel in the mysterious LA skyline by sitting outside picnic style or old-school drive-in style. On Oct.19, the series will travel to Pasadena for the paranormal comedy, Ghostbusters, a fan favorite with SoCal Ghostbusters and Ectomobiles in attendance,under the picturesque Pasadena City Hall building. Shocktober will end with a jolt on Oct. 26 with the chilling movie, The Shining, at LA State Historic Park, which will leave viewers terrified through Halloween. Moviegoers are encouraged to dress in their scary best on this final night as there will be a costume contest for the biggest horror fans judged by Creepy LA."

Blackout: Haunted House
Oct 4-Nov 10
Variety Arts Theater
940 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Be scared in the dark by yourself. You'll be taken into the dark and be tortured, not really. It's like role-playing a victim situation. This is taking place at the same location as The Purge: Fear The Night, no deals for both right now.
New shirt from Brian McGinty for Halloween.